Jesus, The Guarantor of a Better Covenant (Part I)

Scripture: (Hebrews 9:1) Now the first covenant also had regulations for ministry and an earthly sanctuary.

The Old Testament sacrifices couldn’t perfect a person’s conscience. The Old Covenant could not change people. God prescribed  external acts to deal temporarily with sin. Yet, following them could not bring about an internal change (Heb. 9:9).  Sacrifices had a one-year warranty (Heb. 9:12). There was no prevision for lasting redemption for the people. For the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23). The sin debt has to be paid. God desired that this group of Hebrew followers live an obedient life and serve Him and Him only. This covenant was made with the Nation of Israel and it was good; yet, conditional while dependent upon man for its effectiveness.  Covenants were a special agreement that God made with His people. A divinely created relational bond through which God revealed Himself and administered His kingdom plan.

The old covenant was good, yet temporary; burdensome, strict, onerous (hard), written on stones and to be ministered by earthly priests following the letter of the Mosaic Law. This covenant was rigid, and it was confined to only the Israelites.  The old covenant was the nation of Israel’s School Master, to teach them about sin.  The old covenant sacrificing cleansed the outside. It was never meant to rid the people of their sins. Daily the people made sacrifices for their sins: intentionally and unintentionally. The old covenant was a covenant of works, which covered theological practices, health and dietary, social practices and criminal laws. There were promises of blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience. Israel agreed to obey the covenant laws. The nation spoke thus saying, “ We will do everything the Lord has said” (Exodus 19:8).  The Bible bear witness to what resulted.

The law was a shadow of things to come. God had something better in store for His peoples, which involved His Son for all peoples, tongues and nations. Man would no longer be responsible for the effectiveness of the law. Christ Jesus’ coming fulfilled the law. In Him are better promises.  God promised, saying  “I will be their God, and they shall be My people, I will shepherd My peoples; I will write My law on their hearts and in their minds (Heb. 8:10). “I will never again remember their sins “ (Heb. 8:12b).  

Prayer:  Lord You are so amazing in all your ways. I know You love me, for Your Word says; “You so loved the world, (billions and billions of peoples) that You gave your  only Son to give his life  on the cross for me.” Not me only but for all people, tongues and nations. You are love. What amazing love!  All of my life, You have been faithful and so good. In Christ Jesus, Amen

(by Novella D. Carpenter)

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