There’s Only One Unique You

Scripture:  II Cor. 10:12a “For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves…”

David, a man after God’s own heart, experienced an unfair comparison. As David and King Saul were returning home from slaughtering the Philistines, the women came out to sing and dance with joy playing musical instruments. They sang in I Samuel 18:7-8a “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands. Then Saul was very angry, and the saying displeased him…”

The Hebrew word translated “angry” means “to burn within” and the Hebrew word for “displeased” means “inner turmoil.” As Saul did a slow burn, his stomach turned. Saul’s self-talk led him to “look at David from that day on” with suspicion. Thus, suspicion was fueled by jealousy that grew to hate. Paul’s challenge to the Corinthians was to show humility when he refused to compare himself with others, or engage in self-promotion. His only personal concern was what the Lord thought of him.

When we compare ourselves with others, we often need certain people to validate us. When that doesn’t happen, we tend to feel ineffective. We have to learn to operate in the sphere of our God given influence, uniqueness and giftedness which will glorify Christ and thus meet all of our needs for success and achievement. The Lord can do great things through those who don’t care who get the credit. There is only “one” you!! Therefore, when God created you, He threw away the mold. Hallelujah!!

Prayer:  Thank You Lord for being so detailed in Your uniqueness in creating me in Your image. I know I don’t always represent You well, but I praise You that I am still “a work in progress.”

(by Cheryl Torain)

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Anon - February 12th, 2020 at 6:12am







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