Secret Lover

Scripture:  Romans 1:16-17 - For I am not ashamed of the gospel [a]of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”
The love Jesus Christ has for me is inseparable
There is nothing in the world that’s comparable

The question is… Do I really love Him the way I should?
He is good all the time, and all the time He is good

He chose me, He loves me, He keeps me
His commitment is proven, so why is He a secret

He demonstrates His love through unmerited grace
Yet, my love is only shown in a safe and comfortable place

Although He is faithful, I have chosen to pretend
Privately applauding Him around certain people and friends

I am ashamed and unworthy from what’s been discovered
I am guilty of using the Lord, as an unworthy secret lover

I have the audacity to resist sharing the love of my life
A love that’s better than any friend, family member, husband or wife

I have chosen to love so many other things publicly
Who would think? His beneficiary would love Him privately

Often, pursued by principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness
Satan and demons attempt to fulfill voids as my public lover and partner

I'm so thankful He grants chances
Chastening me to change His status of secret lover to Lord and Master

I prayed and turned away by setting my mind on things above
There is no secret that He died for me, despite me, in love

Therefore, I love the Lord and I am unashamed to show it
I am compelled and convicted to let the world and Him openly know it

Prayer:  When others see me, they should see You, Lord. One who has loved me, despite me. I have publicly revered so many people, places, and things. How can I keep You a secret? Forgive me Lord! I have allowed the world to matter. You told me to keep my eyes and mind on You. Also, You told me to share the gospel with the world. Give me opportunities Father to reveal Your goodness wherever I go and whoever I am around. The world needs to know that there is a love above all other love. A love that’s forgiving, a love that’s everlasting, a love that’s sacrificial, a love that can’t be separated, and a love that never changes. Lord, thank You for chastening me. Bless You lord! In the name of Jesus! Amen

(by Glenny Z. Moore)






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