God Does Use Ordinary People
Scripture: I Samuel 16:7b…”For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
My dad reared 8 children; five girls and three boys. All children were born two to three years apart. My parents had a pretty good handle on the many facets and personalities within those eight children. I was born the fifth child of the family. I considered myself a quiet mannered obedient child; respectful to my parents as well as the house rules; ambitious; talented in playing an instrument and gifted with using a sewing machine. Everything in my childhood years helped to grow me into the person that I am. My father, no matter how well he knew me…yet he could not know the paths I would take in my adult life. My parents displayed a trust that all of the children would do well in in their adult life.
David the son of Jesse, was an ordinary “ruddy” shepherd boy, the youngest of eight boys who tended sheep on the hills of Bethlehem, (I Sam. 16:11-12). David the eighth child in the order of his brothers; for the number eight according to their culture means a new beginning. Early on this day, the prophet Samuel was sent by the Lord to the house of Jesse to anoint the next king of His people. Saul had been rejected from reigning over Israel. Samuel invited Jesse to a sacrifice to the Lord. It was there where Samuel consecrated Jesse and his sons. The Lord did not choose either of the seven sons of Jesse (I Sam 16:5-10). Perhaps Jesse felt honored to have his sons. Things changed when Samuel asked if there was another son not standing here (I Sam. 16:11-12)? David was brought in and the Lord said to Samuel, “arise, anoint him.” The Lord saw his heart. David was a caring, dependable, strong and wise youth. He was anointed by Samuel. I am sure Jesse was surprised at the Lord’s choice; yet he trusted His God and His plan.
The Lord sees not as a man sees. A man only sees what is without, but the Lord sees what is within. Only the outward visible form of the body is seen by man, but the inward qualifications are seen by the Lord (I Sam. 16:7b). When the Lord looks on the heart; He knows that wisdom, prudence, justice, integrity, mercy and goodness is there. In Old Testament times; the office oft the Kings were to shepherd their people. David was God’s prepared servant to accomplish His purpose for His people. The life of David is reflected in his psalms from early shepherding sheep to being a poet, a musician, a composer of songs, writer of many psalms (II Sam. 23:1). David was known as a rugged soldier, a fearless warrior; indeed, unique because God made him that way. He was not eager to follow that which was not of the Lord’s plan for him (Ps. 23:3; Eph. 2:10).
Prayer: Lord, it is so comforting to know that You know our hearts and have a plan of how You will use us in Your plan. In His name. Amen
(by Novella D. Carpenter)
My dad reared 8 children; five girls and three boys. All children were born two to three years apart. My parents had a pretty good handle on the many facets and personalities within those eight children. I was born the fifth child of the family. I considered myself a quiet mannered obedient child; respectful to my parents as well as the house rules; ambitious; talented in playing an instrument and gifted with using a sewing machine. Everything in my childhood years helped to grow me into the person that I am. My father, no matter how well he knew me…yet he could not know the paths I would take in my adult life. My parents displayed a trust that all of the children would do well in in their adult life.
David the son of Jesse, was an ordinary “ruddy” shepherd boy, the youngest of eight boys who tended sheep on the hills of Bethlehem, (I Sam. 16:11-12). David the eighth child in the order of his brothers; for the number eight according to their culture means a new beginning. Early on this day, the prophet Samuel was sent by the Lord to the house of Jesse to anoint the next king of His people. Saul had been rejected from reigning over Israel. Samuel invited Jesse to a sacrifice to the Lord. It was there where Samuel consecrated Jesse and his sons. The Lord did not choose either of the seven sons of Jesse (I Sam 16:5-10). Perhaps Jesse felt honored to have his sons. Things changed when Samuel asked if there was another son not standing here (I Sam. 16:11-12)? David was brought in and the Lord said to Samuel, “arise, anoint him.” The Lord saw his heart. David was a caring, dependable, strong and wise youth. He was anointed by Samuel. I am sure Jesse was surprised at the Lord’s choice; yet he trusted His God and His plan.
The Lord sees not as a man sees. A man only sees what is without, but the Lord sees what is within. Only the outward visible form of the body is seen by man, but the inward qualifications are seen by the Lord (I Sam. 16:7b). When the Lord looks on the heart; He knows that wisdom, prudence, justice, integrity, mercy and goodness is there. In Old Testament times; the office oft the Kings were to shepherd their people. David was God’s prepared servant to accomplish His purpose for His people. The life of David is reflected in his psalms from early shepherding sheep to being a poet, a musician, a composer of songs, writer of many psalms (II Sam. 23:1). David was known as a rugged soldier, a fearless warrior; indeed, unique because God made him that way. He was not eager to follow that which was not of the Lord’s plan for him (Ps. 23:3; Eph. 2:10).
Prayer: Lord, it is so comforting to know that You know our hearts and have a plan of how You will use us in Your plan. In His name. Amen
(by Novella D. Carpenter)
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