Rock the Boat

Hebrews 12:1-3 -  New International Version (NIV)
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

It’s not the water outside the boat that’s most disturbing
It’s the developing water inside the boat that’s more urgent

I must examine the cargo and burdens I am HAULING
I am slowly but surely digressing, sinking, and STALLING

I am persuaded by surroundings and CIRCUMSTANCES
Refusing to unload the sins that hinder spiritual ADVANCEMENTS

How can I sail over troubled WATERS?
Stockpiling unwarranted stuff like an out of control HOARDER

For my vessel to sail, it’s set for a purposeful CAPACITY
This preserves my lifestyle from potential DISASTERS

My adversary is evil, however, I wrestle against flesh and BLOOD
It’s the spiritual warfare inside of me that causes the real FLOOD

So, I am asking the Lord to renew me from the inside OUT
Destroy potential residual effects that may come ABOUT

It’s not the water outside the boat that’s most disturbing
It’s the developing water inside the boat that’s more urgent
I must remove the ungodly weights for this divine journey called LIFE
Navigating with biblical directions through the things of CHRIST

Clearly, I must load peace, and unload CONTENTION
Unload vengeance, and replace it with FORGIVENESS

I must keep self-control, while removing ADDICTIONS
Pack a one another mindset, and unpack DISSENSION

Stack loads of love, while removing all HATRED
Delete selfishness and greed, and store God’s PATIENCE

Destroy jealousy and envy, while stashing tons of TRUST
Preserve holiness and righteousness, while eliminating LUST

Now, I can sail freely in the SPIRIT
The cargo inside this vessel is no longer INHIBITED

It’s not the water outside the boat that’s most disturbing
It’s the developing water inside the boat that’s more urgent

(Prayer) O Lord, I carry so much stuff that hinders my walk. I carry my spouse's issues rather than the Cross. I carry my financial issues rather than the Cross. I carry my disappointments rather than the Cross. I carry so many burdens and sin rather than the Cross. My energy is invested in the circumstances around me. I blame people, places, and things rather than my crooked walk with You. Forgive me Father for making everything on the outside a distraction. Your concern is what is going on in the inside. Cleanse my heart O Lord! Renew my heart and mind. I desire for You to increase, and for me to decrease. The issues before me are not meant for me to carry. Remove what’s not of You! Replace it with Your promises! Have mercy upon me Lord! I ask these things in the name of Jesus!
(by Glenny Z. Moore)

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