A New Covenant

Scripture: I Cor. 11:23-24 NKJ …. “the  Lord Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took bread: (v-24) and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “Take, eat;  this is My body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me.”  

The churches recognize the ordinance (tradition) established by Jesus Christ for His people to observe the Lord’s supper. This tradition is also called the Holy Communion (I Cor. 10:16), and the Eucharist, which means “the giving of thanks.” Jesus took the cup and the loaf and transformed them into a spiritual meaningful experience for believers. The depth of this experience depends on the condition of the hearts of those who participate. For it is a holy tradition that has everything to do with Jesus Himself.  What a great sacrifice Jesus made for us on the old rugged cross. Let it not be viewed as a mere routine ritual; but let us believers treat it as with utmost respect. Communions services should by all means be kept solemn, given what they represent.

The broken bread reminds us of Christ’s body, given for us and the cup reminds us of His shed blood. It is an amazing thing that Jesus wants His followers to remember His death. Most of us desire to remember the life of Jesus. Jesus wants His followers to remember how He died, and why? Everything believers have,  centers in His death. The Gospel message is; Christ died and was buried (I Cor. 15:3,4). It is not His life or His teachings that saves sinners-but His death. Why did He die? Christ died for our sins. He was made our substitute (Isa. 53:6, I Pet. 2:24), paying the debt that we were unable to pay.

Believers should partake in a worthy manner. Don’t avoid taking communion because you feel unworthy. Examine your own heart , confess sins to the Lord.  I Cor. 11:27-28, 31-32).Treat this time as a time of thanksgiving and joyful anticipation of seeing the Lord- His return. As believers look ahead, we observe the Lord’s supper, “until He comes.” Christ’s return is the blessed hope of the church and the individual. Christ died for us, arose and ascended to heaven. He will return one day to take us to heaven.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, what a marvelous thing that you have done by accepting your only begotten Son death on the cross and raising Him with all power in His hands. I have been reconciled to God by the shed blood of Christ Jesus. He entered into a new covenant in His blood. I am commanded to remember His death until He comes by partaking in Holy Communion of His body and blood symbolic with bread and juice. In His name. Amen

(by Novella D. Carpenter)

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