Prayer of Rekindled Praise

I John 3:1-3
Our Father in Heaven, it is before Your throne of grace this morning we come to seek Your face and to rest our hearts in the peace and joy from the privilege of praise and worship You have graciously granted to us. All we know about You comes from what You have taught us about You. We have heard with our ears and seen with our eyes enough to believe with all our hearts that You are all and everything You have declared Yourself to be, and it does incite in us the freedom to admit that YOU ARE THE TRUE and LIVING GOD. Though we are unworthy by the merits of our own efforts in life, You have determined within Yourself to make us not only know that You love us, but how much You have loved us by sending the best and most valuable gift of Your Son to do for us what we could never do for ourselves. As we kneel before You, what merit-based explanation can we offer up to You to explain why You would determine within Your own heart to provide salvation from the wrath and condemnation we deserve because we are sinners who in great ways and small have sinned against You? No words of human origin can adequately express the boundless gratitude we should have in our hearts toward You and Your Son today.

As we heard yesterday from Your servant preacher, what can we reasonably render to You for what has been done for us except the full and total presentation of ourselves as living sacrifices? Each day of our lives dedicated to You as thankful sons and daughters by grace seems so small in comparison to the eternal redemption, we now have from You, but it is what You have determined You want and will be satisfied with from us. So today, each of us who read this prayer will now pause and consciously and totally yield ourselves and ask You, “what will You have us to do for You?”  We are here to do Your will Oh God.

Some of us have lost our way and we want to find it again. Please intervene and help us to see our lives from Your perspective and lead us back to the path of righteousness for Your name’s sake and a fresh vision of Your love for us. In Jesus name, amen and amen.
Pastor Wayne Cockrell


Cheryl Torain - January 27th, 2025 at 9:06am

Oh what love the Father has bestowed upon us - HALLELUJAH!!!

Wendy - January 27th, 2025 at 6:07pm

Amen and Amen! Oh God, I praise you for being my Rock and Savior!!

Brother Brockington - February 2nd, 2025 at 6:47am

Hallelujah and Amen!






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