Prayer to be Better Lovers of All Kinds of People

Luke 6:27-37
Our Father in heaven we thank You so very much for the great gift of Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Our hearts melt and we marvel when we see our Savior in action in the Gospels moving among sinners, moving among His enemies, moving among those who cursed Him and spit upon Him and beat Him and yet we see coming from Him love. We want to be that kind of lover and yet Father we know that it is difficult to do it in the natural. We want to be yielded people so that the Holy Spirit can fill every area of our lives so that as we live and move and have our being the very character of God will be revealed in many manifestations through us. So, help us as we are in the new year to embrace the challenge to be better lovers. You have loved us, You have loved sinners, the worst of the worst and many of us were the worst of the worst.  Where we came from was dark and dirty and filthy and we were living lives that were untouchable by some people and yet Your grace met us in the midst of our sins.  You loved us into the Kingdom, and we thank You so very much for showing us how far Your love will go to embrace those who are in need, and we thank You for that. We will give You praise and thanks for whatever is accomplished for we ask it all in Jesus’ Name, amen and amen!
Pastor Wayne Cockrell

1 Comment

Wendy - January 25th, 2025 at 1:21pm

Amen and Amen! God of love help me to live out the love you’ve shown me in Christ.In my thoughts, word,and deeds!






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