Vacation Bible school

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a week of high-energy
Interactive Songs
Bible Lessons 
Crafts and Fellowship for All Ages 
focused on a specific Biblical theme that marks our VBS adventure.
Our adventures are all in-person so bring your families and friends on this year’s epic adventure. Registration begins in June onsite after service. Online registration will also be available.  Click on the link below to Volunteer TODAY!

This year’s adventure takes us on a riverboat cruise through the rain forests of South America with a reminder of our theme verse, 1 Timothy 1:17, “To the eternal king be glory forever”. On our jungle journey we’ll uncover Bible stories from Genesis to Revelation. We’ll learn about the 7 C’s — creation, corruption, catastrophe, confusion, Christ, cross and consummation, but most of all we’ll see and experience the redeeming love of Jesus Christ.

HERE'S A RECAP of  the Wonderful Week of  GBFC's VBS 2023!

You can also support VBS by donating an item or bringing in any of the following items to be recycled into jungle décor.
  • Paper towel and toilet paper cardboard tubes – will be transformed into a bamboo forest.
  • Brown packing paper or crab eating paper – can be transformed into jungle vines.
  • Large cardboard boxes will become Noah’s ark and the Tower of Babel

Swing the VBS table in the main lobby for more details or email 
Sis. Mina at